Happy New Year

Hi All,

We hope you’ve all had a great Christmas and that 2015 will be a good one.

The new year is the time for resolutions and planning for the next 12 months.

One of my goals for the year is to help you achieve your agility related goals. It may be to remember a course, to get a clear round, to have a secure “wait”, or to win into another grade. Whatever it is, if you let me know, we will see if we can come up with a plan to achieve it.

Even when things happen outside of our control, having a clear plan will help you make progress, and most important of all, get pleasure and enjoyment from your canine partner. So this is not just for the ultra competitive, we all need to have fun with our dogs.

We’re looking forward to seeing you all again on 14th January. There are one or two class changes but come at the usual time unless we call you to say otherwise.

We have ordered a new dog walk from First Contact which is a mixture of aluminium, rubber and wood. Should be delivered sometime in January. Then we’ll have the small one for training puppies and a full size one for the rest of us.


All the best


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