Well this was not any part of our plans for this year.
All our training is cancelled from Tuesday 17th March 2020.
We will try to support one another through this, keep safe everyone. David
Well this was not any part of our plans for this year.
All our training is cancelled from Tuesday 17th March 2020.
We will try to support one another through this, keep safe everyone. David
Announcing Diva’s Retirement from Agility.
I couldn’t have asked anything more from this dog, she always gave me her all. We achieved far more than I ever dreamt of and couldn’t have wished for a better dog. For such a big girl she managed to keep up with the best of them in her grades. Winning into Grade 5 and then only a couple of months ago after coming back from an injury she gained her first grade 5 agility win, something I thought not possible. She achieved her bronze and silver agility warrants and came very close to getting her Gold award. Got to Champ level in UK agility and qualified for several finals over the years. I will really miss running Diva as we did have great fun together. I would just like to say a massive thank you to David and Mandy Cowderoy at Little meadows agility club for all your fabulous training, and for believing in her. We couldn’t have achieved what we did with out you help. Sarah
Thanks for your kind words Sarah. It was, and is, easy to believe in you both. Agility is just a game we play but the important bit is the bond we develop with our canine friends. The bond you have with your dogs is plain for all to see and that will continue. Having fun with her can continue, its just the game that will have to change. David and Mandy.
For those who don’t know, Diva has been up to the Royal Veterinary College for tests to find out why she has recently had a strange action on a rear leg. This in Sarah’s words is the result
“Finally back home with Diva. She has been diagnosed with a rare condition called Canine Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis, DISH for short. Sadly this means she needs to go back to have surgery on her spine to remove some bone which is compressing on her Femoral nerve. She has lots of new bone growth all over her spine but it’s at the point where her femoral nerve leaves the spine that’s causing the weakness and knuckling over to her right back leg. If left untreated she will get worse so I have no choice but to go for surgery. She may develop more problems later on as we can’t say how the different areas of bone growth will effect her. Will have a couple of weeks to stress about her surgery as she won’t be going in until the 31st of August.”
Hi All,
Huge congratulations to everyone who did well at Weald show on Sunday, especially Vickie& Tinka, Ellen & Salsa and Gloria & Lucy who all had wins.
Gloria & Lucy won their last G4 Agility – G5 from now.
Ellen won the G1 part of the 1-3 Agility with Ruth & Gemma coming second. Ellen also came 4th in the 1-3 jumping.
Vickie won the G2 part of the 1-3 Agility and she also won the graded 1-3 Jumping (file attached).
The courses in the afternoon were more challenging than I would expect at G1-3 which makes the wins all the more impressive.
Very, very, big congratulations to Linda and Grace for winning Grade 3 Agility today at Billingshurst.
Richly deserved for all your hard work.
Never been so happy to say ” told you so” we knew you could do it.
Meant to have done this last week but still on catch up on work at the shop.
Big well done to everyone, think all enjoyed it, from helping On Tim’s ring, competing, and of course the socalising in the evenings.
So many winners, Ann, Kay, Karen, Gloria, Tim, David, Sarah and Me. Sorry if I have missed anyone, but I think everybody came home with a rosette of one colour or another.
Big congrats to Sarah and Diva for winning up to Grade 5.
Also well done to Diva, Shyla and Quiz for qualifying for various Finals.
Very proud of everyone.
David won G4-5 Agility with Oz today – Yay ! That takes him to grade 5.
Ann won Small agility graded 1-4 with Mika – another Yay! That takes her to grade 5 too.
Many congratulations to Mandy and Quiz for winning their very first class at grade 5 – and it was agility – and they won their grade by 5 seconds.
And not to be outdone, Karen and Tia won g6-7 agility, beating Dave Jolly into second place.