Vickie Appleton

2017 Competition Results Vickie and Tinka

1st Place = 7 Points:: 2nd Place = 6 Points::
3rd Place = 5 Points:: 4th Place = 4 Points::
5th Place = 3 Points:: 6th Place = 2 Points::
Other places or CR = 1 Point::
Started year at Grade 3KC 39
Uka 5
Show and DateClassPlace or Clear RoundKC PointsUnaffiliated Points
Vyne 1/5/17Agility 45th3
Tunbridge 6/5/17Wells Jumping 4-5CR1
Paws in the Park 14/5/17Jumping 4-5CR1
Highdown 25/6/17Jumping 4-53rd5
Highdown 25/6/17Jumping 4-54th4
Agility Club 29/7/17Jumping 4-5 CR1
Bridgehouse 26/8/17Agility 3-53rd5
Bridgehouse 26/8/17Agility 4-56th2
FAB 10/9/17Jumping 4-53rd5
Southdowns 24/9/17Agility 3-52nd6
Southdowns 24/9/17Jumping 3-4CR1
Kelluki 2/12/17Agility 4-56th2
Kelluki 2/12/17Jumping 4-56th2
Kelluki 2/12/17Agility 4-52nd6

Competition Results 2016 Vickie and Tinka

1st Place = 7 Points:: 2nd Place = 6 Points::
3rd Place = 5 Points:: 4th Place = 4 Points::
5th Place = 3 Points:: 6th Place = 2 Points::
Other places or CR = 1 Point::
Started year at Grade 3KC 49Uka 0
Show and DateClassPlace or Clear RoundKC PointsUnaffiliated Points
Wallingford 16/04/2016G3 Jumping8th1
Wallingford 16/04/20161-4 Jumping10th1
Tunbridge Wells 07/05/2016G3 JumpingCR1
Tunbridge Wells 08/05/2016G3 Agility3rd5
Highdown 23 JuneG3 Jumping3rd5
Highdown 23 JuneG1-3 combined Jumping15th1
Newlands 9th July3-4 Graded Jumping 4th4
Billingshurst 10th July3-4 Combinded Jumping (LHO)2nd6
Billingshurst 10th July3-4 Combinded Agility (LHO)2nd6
10th September Tenterden Magic3/4 Graded Jumping (LHO)6th2
10th September Tenterden Magic1-4 Comb Jumping (LHO)3rd5
10th September Tenterden Magic3/4 Graded Agility (LHO) 3rd5
11th September Tenterden Magic1-4 Comb Agility (LHO) 1st7


2017 Competition Results Vickie and Banjo

1st Place = 7 Points:: 2nd Place = 6 Points::
3rd Place = 5 Points:: 4th Place = 4 Points::
5th Place = 3 Points:: 6th Place = 2 Points::
Other places or CR = 1 Point::
Started year at Grade 3KC 10
Uka 2
Show and DateClassPlace or Clear RoundKC PointsUnaffiliated Points
09/10/2016 Weald
1-3 Jumping CR1
06/05/2017 Tunbridge Wells
3 JumpingCR1
1-3 AgilityCR1
16/09/2017Waverunners 1-4 JumpingCR1
30/09/2017 Mid-downs
3 Agility4th4
02/12/2017 Kelluki
3 Jumping4th4

Competition Results 2016 Vickie and Banjo

1st Place = 7 Points:: 2nd Place = 6 Points::
3rd Place = 5 Points:: 4th Place = 4 Points::
5th Place = 3 Points:: 6th Place = 2 Points::
Other places or CR = 1 Point::
Started year at Grade 2KC 0Uka 3
Show and DateClassPlace or Clear RoundKC PointsUnaffiliated Points
Little Meadows Christmas show 11th December 2016G1-3 Agility5th3

2015 Competition Results Vickie and Tinka

1st Place = 7 Points:: 2nd Place = 6 Points::
3rd Place = 5 Points:: 4th Place = 4 Points::
5th Place = 3 Points:: 6th Place = 2 Points::
Other places or CR = 1 Point::
Started year at Grade 1KC 52Uka 51
Show and DateClassPlace or Clear RoundKC PointsUnaffiliated Points
Weald 11-10-2015G1-3 Graded (2) Agility1st7
Weald 11-10-2015G1-3 GRADED (2) Jumping1st7
6-9-15 Rother Valley1-3 combined Agility1st7
1-8-15 EastbourneGraded 1-2 (1) Agility1st7
1-8-15 Eastbourne1-2 combined Jumping2nd6
26-7-15 Agility ClubGraded 1-2 (1) Agility6th2
26-7-15 Agility Club1-2 combined JumpingJumping5th3
12-7-15 Billingshurst 1-2 combined Agility3rd5
28-06-15 Highdown Graded 1-2 (1) Agility4th4
28-06-15 Highdown1-3 combined Steeplechase17th1
16-5-15 Stour Valley (Paws in the Park at Ardingly)Graded 1-2 (1) Agility4th4
25-4-15, Downland Graded 1-2 (1) Agility3rd5
5-4-15 Mid Downs (Easter Celebration at Ardingly)1-2 combined tunnels and jumps8th1
27th March, UK HV and HWV Agility LeaguePairs tunnels and jumps1st7
27th March, UK HV and HWV Agility League1-7 combined Agility3rd5
15th March, Unaffiliated show Angela Lucas1-2 combined Agility1st7
15th March, Unaffiliated show Angela Lucas1-2 combined Jump[ing2nd6
15th February, Unaffiliated show Angela Lucas1-2 combined Agility2nd6
4th January, Unaffiliated show Angela Lucas1-2 combined Jumping2nd6
4th January, Unaffiliated show Angela Lucas1-2 combined Agility1st7

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